Proyecto Los Aires Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Make your toasts and salads happier!
We followed our dream and Los Aires was born. It is ellaborated from:
– Olive groves in conversion to organic farming,
– Olives from the last harvest (2013-2014); you will fell its freshness,
– From a single variety (cornicabra),
– And from a single region (Arcicóllar).
Because all of those reasons, when you will have it:
– You will enjoy the flavour of a real olive oil, that you cannot get easily any more,
– You will take care of your health,
– And, you will be protecting the environment from where the olive is collected,
– Finally, you will be promoting rural development, since we ensure a fair price for the farmers.

To try our olive oil, please visit our webshop or email us at
We want to finish this post with the words of a great collaborator and friend:
“I am willing to buy a good bread to dip it in this olive oil!!”