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Proyecto Los Aires
Agricultura ecológica en Toledo

Proyecto Los Aires
Agricultura ecológica en Toledo
Categoría Uncategorized
Everything is ready to get the olive oil milled on your table! We’re close! Almost into the month of January, olives are ready for collection. Depending on the variety the harvest month varies a lot. You now know the source…
Cornicabra in olive oil Los Aires
Cornicabra in olive oil Los Aires Our olives belong to the Cornicabra variety, which has a distinctive shape that comes to a point resembling an insect’s sting. The Cornicabra tree is steeped in history. Over the course of many generations,…
How are the Proyecto Los Aires’ olive trees
How are the Proyecto Los Aires’ olive trees Our olive trees originate from Arcicollar, Toledo, in central Spain. Proyecto Los Aires ‘s olives are produced in small olive fields of varying ages depending on which generation of our family planted…